The invitation was passed around the office and after a while my boss announced she'd like to go, and asked me if I wanted to come. Well of COURSE! Free food? Free party hosted one of the richest countries in the world? Yes please. My favorite food, and for FREE. Yes. I'll go.
It was an awesome party, more extravagant than I expected even. The embassy itself is gorgeous, beautiful pictures from different parts of Saudi, woven Islamic calligraphy, models of the Dome of the Rock and Mecca and tapestries. Modern and folk arabic music bellowing throughout the rooms. And then there were the buffets; loaded with ever imaginable delicious Middle Eastern concoction... ever. Like a full goat. And an entire table with basically only baklava on it.
My favorite part of the event was all the different ways people dressed up. There were decorated officers in all their military guard and women wearing extravagant gowns. And there were men in suits, Saudi teenagers wearing Farari T-shirts (just like always, eh?), men in galabias, women wearing naqab, men wearing the traditional Saudi head turbans; and my favorite were the little kids =) All dressed up and ready to go.
I don't know what it is about arab culture, but I can't be made happier when I'm around it. I guess I must love the contrast between it and what I'm used to. I love to watch the ways in which it fits into "modern" and western life too; a juxtaposed, dissonant beautiful mixing of two worlds.
Most of all though I know it's because of the memories the music and the smells and the outfits invoke for me. I always think of Egypt and the time I spent there. How can I not be blissfully happy when reflecting upon some of the happiest moments of my life? =)
Ilhamdulillah, life is so good.